Until Now, I still Feel like "I am DREAMING!!!"
We are GOING TO GERMANY!!! (For International Final)
Can't Believe This! Thanks God a Zillion!!! God BLESS Us.
I have been asked again and again "What is The Competition is All About?"
It is an Innovation Idea Presentation with a Business Plan.
Innovative product that is practical and marketable in 2050.
Of course the ideas are either under category of Adhesive Technology, Laundry or Beauty Care (Henkel businesses)
My partner (Andrew Yap) and I are proposing a Hair Care Product that enables everyone to wash hair without using hands and within one minute. (This is a basic idea)
~~~ During Preparation ~~~
Thanks God that we are chosen to represent Malaysia in South East Asia Henkel Innovation Challenge 7 (SEA HIC 7). One month preparation with one week CNY break. Partner and I have super small friction during the preparation. Glad to have such partner, I have made the RIGHT choice. Haha.
Big Thanks to our mentor, Louis Shim, Marketing Manager
Schwarzkopf Professional, Malaysia & Singapore. He has guided us on the slides and presentation skills. Super Useful Advises from him.
~~~ During the competition (26 -28 Feb 2014) ~~~
We are invited to stay in Hotel Boulevard, Midvalley City. So, we also take it as VACATION!!! Wohoo~~~ At first I aimed for the Champion, but I have adjusted to be "Enjoy the process and Hand the result to God." While for my partner, he totally goes for vacation. Wakaka.
We practice in hotel, Shopping in Midvalley and even Watch Movie in GSC on 26 Feb. haha.
~~~ On the Real Competition Day (27 Feb 2014) ~~~
Early in the morning, we get to mingle with new friends! OMG, we actually become so closed after short interaction on the van from hotel to competition location (TM tower). Haha.
My team is the second last to present. Super Nervous and Tired! ;p
We even have supporters! Senior, coursemate and Juniors. Thanks for the support though. ^^
OMG, All teams are Super Strong!!! Their ideas are Good, Slides are Professional, Presentations are Fantastic as well.
Extremely Competitive. This makes us even MORE nervous!!!
Hmmm, It is Our Turn.
"As long as we can present smoothly, we can have the big chance." I told Andrew.
But, Hahaha, our presentation has flaws ;p Oops. I think our presentation is quite lively and energetic. At least we have achieved that.
Here are all the teams:
(Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia)
2 Teams from University of Malaya, Malaysia:
Result Announcement!
After Participation Certificates Giving, Photo shooting and Comments from Judges, it is the most ANXIOUS moment.
Second Runner Up: Singapore
First Runner Up: Vietnam
(Can we be the one?)
D team from Malaysia - Another UM team.
Disappointment comes in few second but hope grows again!
"It is just a JOKE!!!" from the Emcee.
(O.O Do we have the chance??? )
The HIC 7 SEA Champion is INNOCRAZ from MALAYSIA!!!
Even when we were on the stage and receiving certificate and ipad mini, we feel like "Are we DREAMING? We WON?"
We are going to GERMANY next month to represent SEA.
Astonished and Excited!!!
Thanks God, Amazing Gift and Blessing.
Our Awesome Young Mentor, Louis! Thanks a million for the guidance and time.
And Super Supportive Sub-Buddy, Kyle.
Everyone is looking GREAT!!!
I believe the most enjoyable moment is not only about the result, but Hanging out with New Crazy Friends!
Thanks to Henkel Courtesy, we went for Lazer Tag and dinner in TGIF. All are sponsored. Wohoo!!!

We really have A LOT OF FUN together. Joking with each other and bullying as well. haha. Glad to have all of them!!!
We play like buddies for few years already. ^^
"Activity huh?! hahaha"
For the next day, after the interview session in Henkel, Andrew and I bring a bunch of crazy people for Karaoke session in Red Box.
Due to time constrain, we can't go far.
Oh Gosh! The Karaoke Session is Crazy as well! We scream like no tomorrow and move like jagger. hahahaha. So FUN!
Keep in touch on Facebook and meet up whenever we can ya. Missing you guys already... @@
To Sum Up,
Wonderful Experience with Amazing Grace.
Let's make Malaysia and SEA proud!
Anticipating to go GERMANY.
God Bless Full Full!
A gift for parents:
A memory forever: