Miracle has happened! First College Choir Team Won the CHAMPION!!!
God Really loves and takes care of us WELL!
8 years of Choir, Finally I have tasted the Deliciousness of Champion.
Thanks GOD!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
I shall share my Feeling here. haha
Third Year already~ Joined Choir team because 1 reason, Wanna Stay College. hehe^^
At first due to manager-switching problem, we have started our practice really LATE >,< The insufficiency of participants due to Sudden Withdrawal of people is the First Bomb! Then, Slow Progress and Inconsistent Attendance are like Nuclear Bombs, really give me the feeling of "Give Up". Even our Coach gave us up in the middle of the bumpy journey.
But, God does not give us up at all.
Due to lack of people, I Ask/Jio my dearest Friend + Pro Musician = Miss Lim Lay Yee to join us. BioMed Engineering Friends, MeiYee, ChamYew and Siau Hui Rejoin us. Sampat Law School Friends, Jess, Lily and Chiao Ying are with us too. And KherYen's Never-Give-Up and ChaiLing The-Big-Eyes.
(Third Year~ POWER!!!)
Of Course! Most important person is our Conductor - Yeslyn. It is really a tough experience for her as she is First-Year + Replace the Ex-manager Suddenly. But She really does a GREAT JOB together with her partner - The Cute+Shy Pianist.
Of course! Great Juniors from Pharmacy (Super Good In Music) and the others.
We actually, Practice Seriously and Play Hard every night. It is not very stressful, but a little bit relaxing because with Good Friends ma~ haha... We think of the movement+actions together, laugh at each others, supper together and Smile like a clown. Haha
Until the day of Competition, my attitude is still => Whatever placing, we should appreciate and be thankful to God. haha^^
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Make-up to like ghosts. haha |
On that night, The night we all are waiting for~
We are the 10th Group and
We all are READY!
Get Ready for our Performance?
Here is the Video~ hehe^^
Super like this photo. (Thanks JinJin)
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Credit to Super Supportive Stella Jin Jin |
So Happy to finish the Performance and Enjoy VERY MUCH ^^
Pattern Banyak and Sing Joyfully! haha
Scream and Photos !!! After the Show
PT11 Gang, one photo ~ Although Lack of some people inside^^ hehe
Me + my Craziest Friends+Teammates.
JB, my ex-roommate also forced to support us. wakaka! He likes our performance - Dun know is Real one or not ~ haha
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We have this kind of photo for 3 Years already! haha With Sub-Buddy, Kyle |
SiBeh(Super) Nervous!!! >,<
But in my mind, Get What placing I will also Bersyukur(Thankful) la
5th Placing = 5th College
4th Placing = 8th College
3rd Placing = 6th College
"Har?!!! Still not yet FIRST COLLEGE? OMG>,<"
2nd Placing = 9th College
"9th So Good wo!!! Then First College Totally no Placing???!!! OMG"
Champion = 1st College
Walao!!! I screamed like Hell!!! Screamed like getting Raped.
God!!! Your Miracle IS HAPPENING!!! Arghhhh!!! !!!!
I high 5 and Hug everyone surrounding me~ Wahhhhhhhhh
Unimaginable lor~ Champion leh >< Thanks God X Infinity !!!
I prayed before Competition, "If we really get No. 1, This surely is GOD's BLESSING"
Can we act arrogant for few minutes? hehe... Sorry la. First Time Champion ma~~~
Most Importantly!!! I (We) have joined 3 years continuously.
1st Year, 4th placing
2nd Year, 2nd placing
3rd year, Finally we won!!! YES YES YES
6 of us have waited for 3 years!!! and We get it!!! Wohoo
The Funny Black Spec. Full of effects!!! haha
Screamed, Cheered, Photoed,
Then is time to LISTEN to our Dearest Conductor!!!
BIG CLAPS and CHEERS to Yourselves!!! ^.^
Photos Continues~~~
Thanks Chin Jun For the Photo
Big Thumb for Our Team^^
We Take photos NON-STOP until DTC off its light. haha.
OKOK, last Pic ok? hehe
得奖感言 (Words of Victory)
Firstly, Thanks God, Thanks Family, Thanks Teammates and Supporters!!!
We did it, God is with us, I know it!
I didn't regret to spend all nights for Choir until no rest time for myself. Our efforts and sacrifices are worthy! This taste of champion, I shall not forget! Thanks God, Thanks Friends. 8 years of Choir, at last, I can be with the best team and create the history together with First College Friends! All glory belongs to Jesus Christ. Next Year I will be the audience, Scream and Enjoy the Shows...
Sweet Memory of 2013 ^.^
Busy life continues~ All The Best!